Wednesday, May 26, 2010

kekwn baru

just got back from a movie and supper with some Melaka campus cf-ers... had funs funs and learned new new things... almost forgotten what it was like to make new friends...I've either been hanging out with the same crowd too long, or...just gotten too comfortable.... there's always time to make new friends and meet new people isn't there?at the same must always keep old friends :)

* * *
on a different note:

i will not let the sun go down on my anger and upsets
i will chose to have a positive outlook on the situation
i will choose to forgive
i will choose to let live
i will choose not to crumble but stand firm
i might or might not give in
but i will do what is best for the situation
i will choose to fulfill my side of the deal as best as i can
i will choose to make things work
i will not wake up vengeful
i will wake up doing my best
i will

don't give up on me


  1. I want to watch Movie too =(
    you quote those from the bible?

  2. come to melaka...or just go find noni :D:D's partly from the bible :)
