technically, it's not really agonizing pain anymore, but that's only because i load up on the painkillers before hand. so right now if feel more if yu put up yur hand for like a full 30 minutes, that aching, bored feeling in you arm? that's what my face feels like...lenguh.....
and what it looks like?

ta daaa! in all its swollen goodness! like Theodore! but only half... oh wells...
unfortunately for me, i have to go out, not being one to stay cooped up at home. :
Do unto others what you want them to do unto you:
right, i don't stare at people who are deformed, or odd or just off somewhere, but that won't stop people from staring at what to do miss punchbowl? suck it up like a MAN! heh...either way, that won't stop me from attempting to eat what i want. MONDAY BINGE, here i Come!
Man-women^^ enjoy eat, i just had my big makan^^