I'm normally not afraid of things, but the anesthetic needle was painful. 2 jabs before anything happened, that should have been enough right? noooo....Dr. C came in, starts hacking away at my gums, and there you have it ... PAIN! The drilling hadn't even started yet.Fine, a couple more jabs, hoping it would last out, then it began. So, since i couldn't actually see or feel(properly, that is) what they were doing, i figured, logically, they'd have to cut away my gum tissue(s?) to get at that miserable, horizontal wisdom tooth. hacka hacka hacka hack! i guess now that was done, it was time to drill into the tooth in order to crack it into pieces, in order to truly extract it (tooth spoiler: it was in pieces)
probably looked something like this...FYI, not my mouth this one
Imagine this, you're lying there, quite helpless because any sudden movement may cause the drill to carry it out its calling somewhere it's not needed. the sucker tube thingy is busy sucking up blood and saliva. For now, anesthetic works...whoopiess! ( for now ) So, drilla drilla drilla. Seriously? You know the feeling when you put your head to the table top and tap the table somewhere else you can still hear it? Now, replace that with a drill in your mouth, vibrating through your skull, particularly loud in your ear for obvious reasons? nice? was ohkay i guess, up till the moment i could actually feel the pain. remember, they had already administered TWO shots... but what is this...paiinn? So, the protocol, hands up, please stop it hurts, and tadaaa more shots...repeat step 1-5 several times... It was to the point i dreaded the syringe more than the drill, because with the drill, there's a chance it wouldn't hurt. i was trying to take it like a man, macho like but, stupid girly feelings and reactions kick in and what do you get? a squirming girl whimpering in pain...*takes deep breath*

what i probably looked like trying to take it like man, just imagine a huger syringe, in your gums
fast-forward to a point where finally, the drilling is successful, so happens now is they need to... uhm.. "crack" it..to...smaller, extractable pieces. and crack it they did! Cracka, cracka, cracka. I could really see Dr. C using all his strength to twist the part of the tooth he wanted to "crack" out.i could feel my lower jay trying to resist,so not a pretty feeling. you cannot imagine the relief seeing Dr. C taking bits and pieces of tooth ( not teeth, only one mah) and the final, bloody(not a swear word) root that summed up the end of the horror movie i was starring in. stitches everything swiftly ended...too swift though...they tossed my tooth pieces into the trash before i could ask for them. A quick inquiry revealed i had four anesthetic shots, each shot "stabbed" in several different places in mah gum.
With the ability to hold ones liquor comes the disability for normal dosages of painkillers to work. Celebrax, meant to last 24 hours is now a cocktail with two other different painkillers. This consumption will be the norm for the weeks to come. Half a swollen face will also be thrown in for FREE! Chipmunky, only able to eat soft foods...nice....but I've done it once, i WILL do it again.
On a separate note, my heart goes out to Jui and family.So sorry for your loss. *hugs* Wish i could be there for you. :(
On a separate but quite related note, the pAINS!!!! :( needs lots of love :( sigh