Friday, July 08, 2011


is it growing up when you don't feel the pain like you used to?when you can look only at the good things and look on the bright side,count your blessings?

when you don't feel regret but only wish someone the best? it's not about blacking out the bad things and pretend they never happened, but it's about forgiving and concentrating on what matters most to you now.

it's about the now. yes, one can look back to see how far they have come. but it's not about blaming only one other person without learning something yourself.

here's to knowing there are better things out there than bitterness. here's to knowing that only He can make our burden light.only He can remove our pain. We are never truly free till we have that peace. We can't "generate" that kind of peace that frees us from the bondage of bitterness.Ignorance isn't the solution either.
Here's to truly being able to forgive.

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