Punchbowl: The word punch is a loanword from Hindi. The original drink was named paantsch, which is Hindi for "five", and the drink was made from five different ingredients: spirit, sugar, lemon, water, and tea or spices. you know what a bowl is....
when you cry, your eyes get smaller, but your lips swell up.hurms…
*enjoys momentary angelina lips *
so uhm, today, i felt like i kept misplacing my Tetris bricks. First, i thought it was YAY! I WOKE UP AT 9.30! but then i realized it was only because i woke up at 7.40am. Hurms. then decided to finish the journal.whilst doing so,realized purse was missing! *panicky panicky nicky nicky nick* contact all possible people. Hor,ACHeww…. hor was busy so i had to wait….exhausted all other possibilities and he was my only hope.if not,police report it is :( agonizing wait,so i got halfway through my journal. on the verge of letting it all go and while on the way to print, PURSE IS RECOVERED! i su careless :(
So, all on the go, print, lunch-bumpies into Laiyee.LenLen.and erika. :D after that,home and completion of journal plus submission. Then, much needed rest.
Dinner however was accompanied but ugly truths.submissions.sigh.
i’m still learning.i’m still trying.i’m still just one person.
PS: random rainbow cake for sadness.ntg to do with post :D