Sunday, May 23, 2010


it was an overwhelming experience. just being in the car and breaking down. when problems crop up in our lives, it is a good thing if we choose to pray or seek prayer. but the question that pops up is, who can we turn to to pray for us?

Personally, i tend to think, 'oh, no i can't do this at all! me? pray for this situation? it's too big!' and then do the mental head hunt for the "perfect" prayer person ( person who prays) but then realize, that in order for that person to pray for me, i have to disclose details, which as much as i trust them, i might not be ready to open up, stuff liek tht.

This evening itself, it hit me so bad i came to the point that i realized, i can pray too! Never thought of myself as one that can make a difference or that my prayers would ever matter. all the wrong wrong mindsets! Wrong!

At the risk of sounding too preachy or fanatical (both of which i'm far from, unfortunately), God can use everyone, even scrawny old me! as just one person, it won't seem like much, but collectively, even one can help make the difference. For most of us, the theory has always been there, we know and are fully aware of the do's and don'ts. Practically, on the other hand, i have been at fault, i admit that i am hesitant to practice what i know because of low self-esteem and lack of faith.

If God brought me through one soap box,'only happens on TV' phase of my life, He can definitely bring us through another. Where people and other beliefs may fail us, i choose to believe that God has everything in Ctrl ( although i really wish we could Ctrl +alt+ Del that icky moment).

epiphany much? or just a reminder of reality?

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